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Alessandro Verona   ⁄   Studio
33100 Udine – Italy
via Romeo Battistig 40
t + 39 0432 505378
+ 39 0432 1504262


p.iva 01778360303


Vineyard Tool-house, Prepotto (UD)

On the hillside, occupying what was once the site of an ancient church, stands the small building that houses the viticulture tools and equipment used in the care and maintenance of Le due Terre vineyards. A horizontal window accords harmoniously with the surrounding landscape, while a large picture window frames the ‘Sacrisassi’ (sacred stones) from which the winery’s celebrated wines derive their name, evoking the sacred origins of the land. The tone of the plaster used in the construction blends effortlessly with that of the marl terrain, while the chimney finds reflection in the bell towers of the surrounding cemeteries dotted across the hilltops.
Photo Massimo Crivellari

Sulle tracce di una antica pieve il piccolo edificio ospita le attrezzature per la conduzione della vigna dall’ azienda vinicola Le Due Terre. Una finestra orizzontale si adegua al paesaggio circostante, mentre una apertura fuori scala inquadra i “Sacrisassi” dai quali prende nome il celebre vino evocando l’ antica giacitura. L’intonaco pigmentato confonde l’ edificio con le marne che compongono il suolo, mentre un camino riprende i campanili dei cimiteri circostanti, posti in cima alle colline.
Foto Massimo Crivellari